Every company, large or small, and every person will encounter difficult situations at one time or another. When this occurs, experts are needed to determine the truth, gather and secure all the evidence possible, protect assets, and ensure the facts are presented with integrity and in a professional and credible manner. During such times of conflict, the services of a professional risk management company will provide a solution and a way forward to solve the problem.
The pragmatic solution is The IRM Solution.
Investigative Risk Management's investigators enjoy decades of experience in complex, sensitive and intricate investigations. The IRM Solution provides the benefits of personal service to the client which is based on the positive client to investigator ratio.
To ensure currency and professionalism in the marketplace, Brian Sartorelli innovatively created The IRM Solution Advisory Council which meets to provide expertise, advice and evaluation of IRM’s programs, policies and strategic vision. Further, The IRM Solution Advisory Council can also strategize on any significant or difficult investigation which require additional resources, expertise and thought. The Council is comprised of industry leaders, legal counsel, retired senior executives from law enforcement and experts from the field of client service satisfaction and public relations. These factors make the Investigative Risk Management a niche in the marketplace and one which prides itself on expertise and personal service to the client.
Be a professional innovative investigative team committed to providing results and satisfaction surpassing our clients’ expectations and the industry standards.
We are the most trusted, professional and results orientated “go to” investigative firm in Ontario, Canada and globally.
Honesty, Integrity, Innovation, Professionalism, Accountability, Equality, Equity & Inclusion